Must I italicize thought or is it a stylistic choice? Numbers in manuscripts Page 1 and what it should look like Page 2 and thereafter Page numbering Prologues and introductions Section breaks Slug line Slug lines illustrated Song titles and names of publications The great one space...
How do I add user editable textbox as a menu item in context menu How do I adjust the Service Control Timeout? How do i change the column header colour in a listview in VB.Net How do I change the Menustrip colors... How do i check if a form is hidden? how do i check if tex...
I am putting ico pictures or icon's into project which i would like to know the steps to do this as well as how do you make the ico/icons bigger. When i run the project the ico images are real small and i need them bigger !! I am using picture boxes to put the ico's in ...
I am having a stupid issue with a Rich Text Field and needing to drop a new line programmatically. In writing to the Console, it is easy, just use "\n" to cause the string to the next line; well I am just wondering how I would do the same thing for a rich text box?