A professional reader well versed in the writing norms of a particular book category or genre can often give substantial insight into how to tweak a manuscript to avoid pitfalls. Call me zany, but I suspect that there are many, many aspiring writers out there who would like to be told if...
Always capitalize “Bible” when referencing the religious text but do not italicize(except when used in the title of a published work). ... For example, The Bible is the world's best selling book. How do you cite the Holy Bible in Chicago style? When you are citing a particular passag...
Hi, I'm building a solution for a project and I need to embed a progress bar into 1 of the columns of the listview. Can anyone share with me how to do that in C# ? I've searched the net but found only code for C++appreciate any help i can getAll replies (5)Sunday, February 2...
I am having a stupid issue with a Rich Text Field and needing to drop a new line programmatically. In writing to the Console, it is easy, just use "\n" to cause the string to the next line; well I am just wondering how I would do the same thing for a rich text box?
I am putting ico pictures or icon's into project which i would like to know the steps to do this as well as how do you make the ico/icons bigger. When i run the project the ico images are real small and i need them bigger !! I am using picture boxes to put the ico's in ...