Do I have to have homeowners insurance? Unlike car insurance, home insurance is not required by federal or state law. If you have a mortgage, however, you're usually required to have a policy. Read on:What does homeowners insurance cover? Even without a mortgage, foregoing insurance is a ...
Homeowners insurance policies frequently have set limits on the amount of coverage included for individual items such as electronics and artwork. If you own a lot of valuable items, you might consider increasing your policy’s limits or purchasing additional coverage for specific possessions in the ...
What is building insurance and what does it cover? Water insurance is recommended for homeowners. This insurance covers damage caused by overflowing water from inside the building, due to defective pipework, for example. Separate glass insurance is often taken out, for example, for windows, glass...
No one wants to ever claim homeowners insurance, but you’ll be glad you have. Imagine for a second that there’s a fire or flood in your home. The damage caused could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. There are also your possessions that would need to be replaced. The odds are...
Homeowners insurancecan cover damage to your property, whether it's from aburst pipeor a devastating fire. You'll need to file aninsurance claimif you want to get compensated, however, and insurance companies can reject a claim for various reasons — from insufficient documentation to the damage...
Limited housing supply, buyer competition and high interest rates will maintain high home prices through 2025. Liisa RajalaandTanza LoudenbackJan. 21, 2025 What Can You Buy for $1,500 a Month? Buying an affordable home can be tough right now, but it's not impossible in these areas. ...
What to do for different types of homeowners insurance cancellations There are different solutions if your homeowners insurance is canceled or nonrenewed. A cancellation or nonrenewal can also occur if you have a condo or renters insurance policy. We explain the three most common types of home in...
Unfortunately, not much, unless you live in a homeowners association, which will generally have policies and bylaws that everybody has to follow. In that case, you could report your neighbor for transgression against those rules. However, for those who don't live in areas governed by an ass...
Whether your premium has skyrocketed or your financial circumstances have changed, here are six steps to take if you can’t afford your homeowners insurance.
When it comes to selling life insurance, age requirements vary from state to state. In general, individuals must be at least 18 years old to apply for a life insurance license. This ensures that agents have reached the legal age of adulthood and are able to enter into contracts with clients...