keep=true # yes, keep header elif [[ $i =~ (\lugs.html } :<<'DOC' #--- = urlit synopsis: urlit string description: if argument is not empty, print it surrounded with |\url{...}|, DOC #--- urlit () { if [[ -n ...
Since it was released, threat actors and adversaries have leveraged RedLine Stealer because of itsavailabilityand flexibility for stealing credentials that can cause financial loss and data leakage. In 2020, there was a RedLine campaign that targeted both enterprise and personal devices. Many in...
Bernstein analyst Peter Supino estimates that in a sale CNN would be valued at $5.6 billion or more, which, combined with the $15 billion the company is seeking for DirecTV, could have a meaningful impact on its debt load. Hal Vogel, CEO of Vogel Capital Management, believes that “CNN...
This proportion is consistent with the present size of the known A. thaliana cell wall proteome which comprises nearly 900 proteins, i.e., about one half of the expected one (see fr/WallProtDB/—March 2017). LecPs have been identified in other dicots (...
(Eichhorniacrassipes)infestationon phytoplanktonproductivityinLakeNaivasha.Asummaryofthestatusofcontrolandstrategiesusedisgiven.Theecologicalefectsof waterhyacinthonthelakehavereceivedliUleattentioncomparedtothelargebodyofworkavailableontheweed’ssocioeconomic impact.Thisstudywasconductedtodeterminetheeffectofhyacinth...