Some are minor sensory details like the color of a passing car, while others are far more complex, like the big presentation you're putting together for your job. During sleep, the brain works to plow through all of this information to decide what to hang on to and what to forget. ...
28 I really liked zyBooks. I had to retake CSIS 1400 because the first time I didn't really learn as much as I hoped. It was much easier to absorb this class thanks to zyBooks. 29 It has great exercises throughout that help quiz on the material, so it isn't all just reading....
The rainforest is just the most complex. It is highly sensitive, creative, colorful, intense, prolific, intelligent, effervescent, and misunderstood. Like those kids. Like me. Perhaps, like you? (By the way, you may or may not have been identified as a gifted child in school...