coc·cid·i·oi·do·my·co·sis (ˌ)käk-ˌsi-dē-ˌȯi-dō-(ˌ)mī-ˈkō-səs : a disease especially of humans and domestic animals that is caused by inhalation of spores from either of two fungi (Coccidioides immitis or C. posadasii) found...
When you have a cold, certain chemicals (histamines) are secreted by your body; these may lead to sneezing, a runny nose, and watery eyes. Here are some remedies to stop your sneezing and runny nose: Clear the nose: Gently blowing your nose is the best way to clear all the nasal sec...
the dew point would be 34 degrees F. But because of the cold air, you're much less likely to complain about the muggy conditions. So if you're not a fan of tropical jungle conditions, just remember: You can always move to North Dakota....
If you do not have a cold, allergies, the flu, and you have a prolonged cough lasting more than three to four weeks, consult your doctor, especially if you smoke. Your doctor will examine your throat, check your lung function, and possibly order X-rays.Sources...
Why I'm Running Veteran set to complete 50-state, 6 World Marathon Majors goal at Boston The B-Side Boston foodies, this is your Super Bowl 😋 News Quiz When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s the Greater Boston news quiz ...
(=a traditional medicine, rather than one a doctor gives you)for a baby’s teething pains.3→beyond/without remedyColocaciones–Significado 2: a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very seriousADJECTIVES/NOUN + remedya cold/cough/flu remedyMost cold remedies have little effect....
I don’t have a rapid test, but I do have symptoms. What should I do? Again, it depends on where you live and whether tests are available. A study from the United Kingdom shows the most common symptoms associated with the Omicron variant are the same as the common cold: runny...
I have been drawing SPOT The Anomaly! for teaching materials and quizzes where students need to assess movement, sitting, and gait, and are learning to SPOT The Anomaly! He pops up from his hiding SPOT to help when needed. He is our new star.Healthy...
It's almost Christmas! Celebrate the holiday weekend with events across Metro Detroit, including a showing of "Elf" at the drive-in on Christmas. Looking for more holiday events? Check out our guide here. Have an event you want to see featured? Email me at ...
Instead of barreling through them, the four of us veered off to the left, toward the street, and walked around them. Sure, I sang a song about morons blocking the sidewalk as I was already past them, but it didn’t satisfy me enough. Would they have moved out of the way if we h...