Having bad credit can make it harder to get accepted for a range of different type of loans. For example, if you were applying forbad credit car financeand find yourself being declined, you may want to reassess your credit before you start applying. If you have bad credit you may know ex...
How do I get a mortgage if I have bad credit? Bad credit can limit your ability to get a mortgage. You may have options available to you, but the interest rates you’ll qualify for won’t be cheap. If you don’t want to put off purchasing a new home, there are immediate steps...
- Well, I'll see you at home, Karl. I have to finish my jog.- Do you, darling? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the jog is up.the jig is up:事情败露,诡计被拆穿了注:Karl真的很皮,Simone说她要继续慢跑(jog)了,他故意用jog替换掉习语the jig is up的jig,所以表面上是说“你已经跑完步了”,...
do we have all day do well in sth doing do what i want do what you are suppo do what you saysay wh do whatever you got t do you believe in lif do you ever feel alre do you feel anything do you feel me beside do you gaze at your d do you generally spea do you have a good...
do you see how much i do you see objects di do you see without yo do you still have my do you think he liked do you think it is re do you think our conv do you think time wou do you think you can do you think your fat do you understand the do you wanna me do you want ...
Coffey, Tillman
do credit tosomeone anddosomeonecredit to add positively to the reputation of someone.Your new job really does credit to you.Yes, it really does you credit. See also:credit,to McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Why don’t I have a credit score? Is it bad to not have a credit score? How do I build my credit score history if I have none? Your credit score is a number based on your credit history. Credit reference agencies use data from your credit history to give you a score to rate how...
Along with my bad memory, I can't remember what you have to help me remember, for instance, I do not do so where the key you want to help me find. I don't do today what to wear, you also have to tell me. I don't know where the purse, you still have to help me find, ...
“Stigma” is originally a Greek term referring to “bodily signs designed to expose something unusual and bad about the moral status of the signifier” [69], like a tattoo or a mark on a slave. Goffman further defined stigma as “a characteristic or an attribute that is deeply discredit...