I started writing poetry because I wanted to tell people what it was like to have Asperger’s syndrome. I don’t know how my life would be different without Asperger’s, but I know I look at the world differently than most people. I’m also learning that you don’t have to be like...
阿斯伯格综合征 AspergerSyndrome 一、名词解释 阿斯伯格综合征(Aspergersyndrome,AS)是一种主要以社 会交往困难,局限而异常的兴趣行为模式为特征的神经系统发育 障碍性疾病。 目前该疾病病因不明,但研究显示,遗传基因、生物化学、 过滤性病毒、妊娠期和分娩时出现的一些问题,都可能是阿斯伯 格综合征的原因。罹患阿斯伯格...
In this paper the risks of having a non-obvious disability, Asperger's syndrome [AS], are explored. The key focus is the riskiness associated with being on the margins of normality, where personal experience (and theoretical concepts) of being 'different' and 'normal' merge. When labelling ...
亞斯伯格症候群AspergerSyndrome 亞斯伯格醫師在1944年首次報告四位具有社交互動(socialinteractiondeficit)困難的男孩,並稱之為自閉性精神病態(autisticpsychopathy)。亞斯伯格醫師在這一方面的觀點,與首位報告自閉症的Kanner醫師一樣,採用了Bleuler大師"autism"的來強調這些個案的強烈自我中心(egocentrism)及關閉與外界的一切溝通...
'But That's Just What You Can't Do': Personal Reflections on the Construction and Management of Identity Following a Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome At 42, I received a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome (AS). In this essay, I reflect on what this could mean for my sense of self in th...
Understanding Asperger Syndrome as "a spectrum within a spectrum": What do later life diagnoses of Asperger Syndrome tell us about "adult outcome" and the ... With the introduction of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fourth Edition (1994), the ...
While several studies suggest that individuals with autism use prior knowledge appropriately, others have found that this may be a particular area of weakness. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether individuals with autism and Asperger’s syndrome utilize prior knowledge when pairing...
Many people with Asperger syndrome face life being misunderstood and having their intentions misinterpreted. For people who have Asperger syndrome in prison this position is compounded. This article is based on a research paper that sought to make explicit the type of problems encountered by prisoners...
http:///jn-lxh http://./lianer2012 http://.baidu/ http://.google/ http://.sogou/ 自閉症Autism與 Asperger’sSyndrome 資料來源:精神科丁錫全醫生 自閉症 每一千人當中大概有一至二人患有不同程度的 自閉症 患者的兄弟姊妹當中亦有3%患有自閉症 男性比女性多4倍 自閉症的症癥 主要有三大類 1.社...