Del Longman Business Dictionarycon‧vic‧tion/kənˈvɪkʃən/noun1[countable]a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crimeSmith, who had no previous motoring convictions, had been rushing home to see his family when he hit another car.conviction forHe had a...
Detailsofanyconvictionsformotoringoffences: Haslicenceeverbeenendorsed:YesNo: Hasthedriveranyphysicaldefects.Ifyes,specify: PASSENGERDETAILS P a s s e n g e r s i n I n s u r e d V e h i c l e Name:Address:Injury: Forwhatpurposedweretheybeingtransported:Aretheyemployees: WITNESSES Nam...
theDataControllerinrelationtoany personalorsensitivedatathatyousupplyinconnectionwiththeinsurancecoveristheinsurers. Declaration Whenyousendusyourapplicationyouaredeclaringthatthein ormationgivenistrueandcompleteandthatnorelevant in ormationhasbeenwithheldoromitted.Youarealsodeclaringthatyouunderstandthecontentso this...