The swine flu jab is on the way - but do we want to have it?Laurance, Jeremy
Further, a Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs.9 WCH noted:10...
Do to others as you would have them do to you. podcast with us 1 (713) 574-9075 use code 4900891#
“I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis an...
During the winter months, both GP’s (General Practices) and Accident and Emergency departments are incredibly busy. With an increase in colds, flu’s and other
Not really. I don’t really have any other personal debt, so that’s cool. Let’s just say I get the house paid off and for the sake of a number say I set a goal of 2 million and hit it. Awesome, so I have no bills, other than utilities and essentials and hopefully am able...
I don't care about your 1% mortality rate. I care about the rate of hospitalisation, the likelihood of being at home/off work feeling very poorly, the incidences of developing long-covid. I'm not worried about dying of flu either really, but still take my annual flu jab. Since the ...
Medical Disclaimer:I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision...
I have tried to give credit where I could and if I offend, remember it was your free will that chose to read this. Enjoy! By the way my pronoun is “whatever” and my tombstone will say “I told you I was sick” so I get the last word in. “If everything seems under ...
Do to others as you would have them do to you. podcast with us 1 (713) 574-9075 use code 4900891#