Dolphins have a reputation for being friendly, but they are actually wild animals who should be treated with caution and respect. Interactions with people change dolphin behavior for the worse. They lose their natural wariness, which makes them easy targets for vandalism and shark attack. Which an...
Most of the time, a spotted hyena's laugh is in response to agitation or attack [source: Joyce]. When a feeding frenzy ensues, hyenas may claw and nip at each other in an effort to get a mouthful of meat. That aggressive behavior incites the laughterlike outbursts that we associate ...
Our initial idea had formed about 15 years earlier when we and four friends were on a flying safari in Botswana. (Stanley is a private pilot) One evening we saw a pack of hyenas attack and kill a wildebeest. By morning there was nothing left except the horns and hooves. Yes, hyenas ea...
No, they will not attack a human unprovoked. Working in tandem, one lion chases and the other ambushes as a warthog meets a grisly end. Predators of the warthog include lions, leopards, hyenas, crocodiles and humans. The most common defence for this species is to flee running away at sp...
Of course, animal murder doesn't always involve eating. Various types of fish, such as cichlids andbettas(Siamese fighting fish), are highly territorial as adults, and they attack, and sometimes kill, other fish placed into their domain. ...
Lion prides will also abandon what’s left of a meal to avoid confrontation with hyenas. Nobody likes being woken by hyenas while sleeping off a 30 kg zebra steak! Instead of guarding the meat, they will simply abandon it. What do baby lions eat?
Granted, many will detest that those specimens included lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, elephants, buffalo and rhino. However, this collection process was spread over a year’s period and over many geographical regions, to minimize the environmental impact of this expedition. And while this ...
However, hyenas occasionally attack, kill, and eat old, sick lions, while hyenas, leopards, and other predators occasionally attack, kill, and consume extremely young lions. If mothers are not taking good care of them, this will inevitably occur. ...
Cats and dogs are just victims of their popularity. It’s easier to say that dogs and cats fight with each other than it is to say that hyenas and lions do. This comes down to their distribution. We see cats and dogs every day, but we can’t say the same for other wild animals....
Foxes and hyenas present probably the best examples of carnivorous scavengers. They exhibit opportunistic behavior, eating whatever they can find. Herbivores In contrast to carnivores, herbivorous mammals eat a diet of mostly plant matter. They possess an anatomy specially designed to consume and digest...