Magyar hordes first used them as hunting dogs before being bred to serve as pointers and retrievers for Hungarian nobles. They have since earned the nickname "Velcro vizslas" due to their desire to stay close to their owners. Vizslas are very active dogs with a strong sense of smell, qualiti...
Magyar hordes first used them as hunting dogs before being bred to serve as pointers and retrievers for Hungarian nobles. They have since earned the nickname "Velcro vizslas" due to their desire to stay close to their owner. Vizslas are very active dogs with a strong sense of smell, ...
Magyar hordes first used them as hunting dogs before being bred to serve as pointers and retrievers for Hungarian nobles. They have since earned the nickname "Velcro vizslas" due to their desire to stay close to their owner. Vizslas are very active dogs with a strong sense of smell, ...