Why do amphibians have a three-chambered heart? Why are amphibians not amniotes? How are fish and amphibians different? Why do fish and amphibians produce so many eggs? Why must amphibians live on land and water? Why are amphibians called amphibians?
Amphibians have a three chambered heart. Discuss the importance of the extra chamber in terms of the obvious physical differences that amphibians like frogs have from fish. Paired lungs are characteristic of a. spiders b. all birds c. all fishes d. all amphibian life s...
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Mammalshavewell-developedrespiration& circulationtomaintainhighenergyneeds: Diaphragm,breathing muscleexpandschest tobringinmoreoxygen Four-chamberedheart WhatareMammals? Mammalslifestyleisdeterminedby: Specializedteeth adaptedtothetype offoodtheyeat Specializedlimbs ...
4.Whichofthesewouldapaleontologistbemost likelytodoinordertodeterminewhetherafossil representsareptileoramammal? 1)Lookforthepresenceofmilk-producingglands. 2)Lookforthemammaliancharacteristicsofafour- chamberedheartandadiaphragm 3)Becauseanimalsareeutherians,lookforevidence ...
(Romanized) Tonari noTotoro: Release Date: 1988: Rated: G: Duration: 1 hr 26 min Critics Consensus:My Neighbor Totorois a heartwarming, sentimental masterpiece that captures the simple grace of childhood. Here is a children's film made for the world we should live in, rather t...
Which organism possesses a three-chambered heart? a. amphibian b. fish c. bird d. human e. arthropod Arthropods that have jaws, such as centipedes, are called what? Paired lungs are characteristic of a. spiders b. all birds c. all fishes d. all amphibian life stages e. all insects Whi...
nation in rats [6,7], humans [8] and sheep [9]. We have shown previously that skeletal muscle BCAT activity is much lower in preruminant (before development of the chambered stomach) and ruminant than in rats [9,10]. Other studies carried out at several developmental stages (foetus, gr...
(http://.medicinenet/nasopharyngeal_cancer/article.htm) http://upload.wikimedia/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Illu_pharynx.jpg Esophagus “Channel”thatfoodtravelsfromthemouthtotherestofthedigestivesystem Peristalsis–Muscularcontractionsthatmovefooddown http://.webmd/digestive-disorders/picture-of-the-esophagus ...