The names are very similar — photon versus proton — but there is a world of difference. Photons, or X-Rays, are pure energy and have no mass (although Einstein would disagree as energy does have mass).Protons have energy and are relatively massive and heavy. Think of photons as “fluff...
So if "dirt blindness" isn't to blame, why do women do more housework? One argument is that social expectations are different for men and women. Women may be judged more harshly for having a less-than-spotless home, and women's awareness of these expectations may motivate them to do mor...
This data could be crucial in informing future crewed missions to the moon, including Artemis 3, which not only aims to return humans to the lunar surface for the first time in 50 years in 2025 but will also make a giant step for diversity by sending the first woman and first person of...
" said Julia McQuillan, professor of sociology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-author of the research. "These results, however, show something quite different. Men don't have to be into one or the other. They can be into both."...
How do humans detect color? Considering your answer to this question, predict why some "colorblind" individuals are unable to distinguish between certain colors. 1. What purpose does the loading dye serve? 2. What is the purpose of the molecular weight ruler? 3. Analyze whether the DNA extrac...
you might be asking. How does this prove that humans walked on the moon? To understand why, consider what it would have taken to fake this footage on a soundstage. Simulating the motion of particulates like smoke, fog, and dust is one of the most difficult challenges in movie visual ...
Roundworms are a poor subject for experiments, because they are not like humans, even though their molecules are similar. For example, they have no bones, nor do they show emotions, it difficult to know how exactly human subjects would react to these drugs in large quantities. However, using...
the recommended human single dose (mmol/m2basis). This occurred without evidence of maternal toxicity. Because pregnant animals received repeated daily doses of gadoxetate disodium, their overall exposure was significantly higher than that achieved with the standard single dose administered to humans. ...
especially online. "The RMU study is still in the early stages of development. We have only just developed the first test of this kind in Germany," Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia pointed out. "We are currently in the process of developing teaching/learning materials and training courses and of testi...
above all, to novel bisnaphthalimidopropyl derivatives with specific cytotoxic activity towards human cancer cells and protozoan cells capable of causing parasitic diseases in humans. The invention further relates to chemical compounds to be administered especially to humans and in particular for therapeu...