Hume did not believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and also felt the early christians could not be believed, so there was no proof that God existed. The biggest question, of course, is whether God exists As a philosopher Hume undoubtedly has influenced millions. He believed that ...
historians hidden hasn't happily haired guys guitar guided greeted grains grabbed gov gather gains freddy fractions fountain founded fortunately foil florida fitting fitted fires figured fee feb fascinating fantastic explains expanded enforcement enforced endless emphasized el earned donald dolores doc ...
finally disintegrated in the 10th century. Some scholars believe that Aksum’s collapse was hastened by overexploitation of the area’s natural resources, which led to soil degradation, erosion, and food shortages. The power of Aksum was based largely on trade. The Red Sea was an important thor...
So it inevitably existed absolute obey and blind religion. From the common man to the king, all people were catholic and believed in Jesus. So the pope became real leader. The people’s lives were held by church. Theology was used to control the people’s thought. So many people think ...