Both Buddhism and Hinduism consider selfish desire to be the primary cause of human suffering. According to Buddhists, desire is the root cause of all suffering, and therefore the removal of desire will result in the end of suffering. In Hindu scriptures, such as the Upanishads and the Bhagava...
But suppose I asked you, "Why do you believe the Bible to be the EXCLUSIVE Word of God?" Suppose I am a Hindu or a Buddhist or an unbeliever or a skeptic and I ask you why you believe the Bible is the Word of God? How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? ...
Closer to the a view of nature that traditional societies (such as in ancient India) had envisioned. But I do not think Hindutva has the knowledge to do anything more than accept breadcrumbs from Western advancements of technology and science. And even if India does then it will lo...
Founded long before Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, Zoroastrianismdeveloped many of the conceptsincluded in these other religions. Like Catholicism, Zoroastrianism entails the concepts of heaven, hell, and something in between. Zoroastrians believe the souls of late individuals stay ...
Well, believe it or not, Albertine is a French American bookstore, on 5th Avenue, that is literally right across the street from the MET. Pretty cool right? And no, you don’t have to speak French or buy a book to enjoy this magical place because I swear, this bookstore is unlike ...
In order to reconcile mankind to himself and let them into his presence, he had to become man (Jesus), live a sinless life and be brutally killed as a sacrifice to himself. But only those who believe in Jesus get to be with god after death. All unbelievers will go to hell where ...
Belief in reincarnation. Spiritualism (Spiritism) Belief in reincarnation. New Age New Agers accept the concept of reincarnation and believe that future rebirths allow the individual human soul to slowly develop itself. Adaptive of the Hindu concept of reincarnation. Share this: Twitter More Loading...
Hindu political traditions Hinduism Hindus and Muslims History of Indian National Congress Hitler Hollywood Holocaust and its denial IAEA Immanuel Kant Imperialism Incentive compatibility India Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement 2015 India in international law India Lockdown India's Big ...
I believe in action and I`m prepared to do what ever I can to stop my country being invaded from the inside out. Valacia6:36 PM This is an awesome blog; I have felt the same way. I was born into a muslim Turkic family; and my parents tried to impose this religion upon me. I...
Prophecy. Unlike the self-fulfilling Islamic “predictions” that are contingent upon its own believers to manufacture, maneuver and manipulate events in an effort to somehow render “Islamic prophecy” as genuine, the Bible is filled with true predictive prophecy of human behavior, demonstrably indepe...