In other cases, liquid stool can get past the hardened stool mass causing liquid diarrhea or even incontinence (inability to control bowel movements). Main symptoms Inability to pass stool for at least 4 days. After 4 (or more) days of not being able to pass stool, sudden liquid diarrhea,...
Seek immediate medical care(call 911) for severe pain that comes on suddenly, an inability to have bowel movements, bloody stool, vomiting blood, abdominal rigidity, breathing difficulties, or pain in the neck, chest, shoulders, or between the shoulders. What procedures do GI doctors do? Gastro...
A low-fiber diet can contribute to infrequent bowel movements, which is a condition called ___ . If excessive straining occurs during defecation,A diet adequate in fiber can help prevent all of the following in olde...
1. mild to server forms of constipation (= anything less than 1 or 2 bowel movements per day depending on the type of diet) 2. they may have slight to server forms of negative bacteria, from buggy meats, fish, and vegetables that have proliferated the upper and lower digestive tract. Co...
Purgative. Its action being chiefly on the lower bowel, it is especially suitable in habitual costiveness. It increases the peristaltic movements of the colon by its local action upon the intestinal wall. Its active principle must pass out of the system in the ...