Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves and are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. They occupy a position near one extreme of the spectrum and have very short wavelengths (in the picometer or smaller range) and very high frequencies (in the exahertz (EHz) range or higher).Answer and Explanation...
Gamma-ray astronomy has become a rich field of research and matured significantly since the launch of NASA's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory in April 1991. Studies of the diffuse gamma-ray emission of the Galaxy can now be performed in far more detail and extended into the MeV regime, ...
Infrared waves are a portion of the light spectrum that follows red. They have longer wavelengths than visible light, ranging from 700 nanometers to one millimeter. This renders them invisible to humans in almost all conditions. Which type of light has the highest energy? Gamma rayshave the hi...
The magnetic field of the sun protects the earth from cosmic or galactic cosmic rays emitted by supernova explosions, stars, and gamma-ray bursts [97]. Nevertheless, galactic cosmic rays could still reach the earth during the solar minimum, the least solar radiation energy period. In the 20th...
They vary in frequency and wavelength, which ranges from extremely low frequency (ELF) with wavelengths in the megameter (million meters) range to gamma rays with wavelengths in the picometer (1 x 10-12 meters) range.Answer and Explanation: ...
This unsettled magnetic field behavior — also known as solar activity — can trigger solar flare eruptions from the surface that release vast amounts of electromagnetic radiation— a form of energy that includes radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, gamma rays and visible light. Solar flares tend to...
There is a consensus that most forms of non-ionizing radiation can still cause some forms of cancer after a lifetime of exposure. Everyone knows the sun’s ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer in large doses, and scientists theorize that microwaves, radio waves, and extra low frequency waves al...
Can gamma rays cause cancer? Does neurofibromatosis cause cancer? Is colon cancer caused by oncogenes? Does non-ionizing radiation cause cancer? Do immunosuppressants cause cancer? Is melanoma caused by mutations in germline cells? Are oncogenes expressed in cancer? How do viral oncogenes cause ca...
Peter Principles、Eggs、urge overkill、David Kilgour、martin phillipps、HP Zinker、Fly Ashtray、The Deer Team、Uncle Wiggly、Smack Dab、The Gamma Rays、The Jetty、the mad scene、Gobblehoof、Hypnolovewheel、Teenage Fanclub、love battery、Peter Principle、Diesel Meat、Trycycle、Das Damen、Johnson - No ...
microwave ovens and related appliances emit low-frequency radiation "the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio waves and radar. Ionizing radiation such as gamma rays and X-rays can increase cancer risk by causing changes to DNA in cells of the body. Low frequency, non-ionizing...