What type of molecules are used to produce proteins? What types of microorganisms can be recognized by Toll-like Receptors? a) viruses b) parasites c) bacteria d) fungi e) all of the above What is the "food" substrate upon which the enzyme lipase acts? What is the molecules that result...
D.Theywillproducechemicalsasawarningoracallforhelp.(2)Whatdotheplantsusetocommunicate? ___A.Sound.B.Wasps.C.Food.D.Forest.(3)Howarethewoodwidewebconnectedbyfungi? ___A.Bymakingnoiseswiththeirroots.B.Byspreadingchemicalstoeachother.C.Bysharingfoodandinformationwitheachother.D.Byconnectingtherootsof...
C. produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help D. control the wasps to kill the insects 2. How is the wood wide web linked by fungi? A. By making noises with their roots. B. By spreading chemicals to each other. C. By sharing food and information with each other. D. By ...
There are over 5,000 species of plankton. Most of them live in the ocean, but there are many species that live in fresh water as well. Plankton are an essential part of the ocean's foodchain.Answer and Explanation: Yes, all phytoplankton produce food through phtosynthesis. This is a ...
A producer is a living thing that makes its own food from sunlight, air, and soil. Green plants are producers who make food in their leaves. A decomposer is a living thing that gets energy by breaking down dead plants and animals, Fungi and bacteria are the most common decomposers. Is ...
What is the process through which plants make their own food called? From where does the primary phloem develop? How do most Fungi obtain nutrients? What % of all exant plants produce flowers? What is the main way in which a plant grows?
D. They will produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help.25. How is the wood wide web linked by fungi? A. By making noises with their roots. B. By connecting the roots of different plants to each other. C. By sharing food and information with each other. D. By spreading ...
produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help D. control the wasps to kill the insects7. How is the wood wide web linked by fungi? A. By making noises with their roots.D B. By spreading chemicals to each other. C. By sharing food and information with each other. D. By ...
How does an autotroph get its food? Do fungi make their own food? How are autotrophs and heterotrophs alike? Zooplankton get their energy from What are examples of autotrophs? Are plantae autotrophs or heterotrophs? Do all phytoplankton produce their food? What is the difference between auto...
The effect is to make honey a very stable food. It naturally resists molds, fungi and other bacteria, allowing it to last for years without refrigeration! Lots More Information Related HowStuffWorks Articles How Bees Work How Colony Collapse Disorder Works What's the difference between bees and...