Tadpoles:The term "tadpole" refers to the larvae of frogs, toads, and other types of amphibians. Unlike adult frogs, which can live on land, tadpoles live almost entirely in the water.Answer and Explanation: Green frog tadpoles, unlike adult frogs, tend to be herbivores. This means that ...
一、 语篇填词Do you must know that tadpoles (蝌蚪) grow up to small frogs. Frogs can eat insects, so they are our human's good friends. We should (1)p them, not hurt them. But some hotels are also sold the frog meat.Once, dad and his friends (2)t me to dinner. One waiter ...
Unlike adult frogs, tadpoles eat a largely plant-based diet along with the occasional insects. Shortly after birth, most tadpoles will eat any embryonic egg matter leftover from their egg and then start hunting for food. Tadpoles typically live off of algae growing on the bottom of leaves, ro...
Frogs can be beautiful and interesting additions to your home, but only if you can feed them properly. So, what dofrogseat? In the wild, frogs eat a wide variety of insects, such as snails, spiders, and worms, andtadpoleseat soft plant matter. Frogs catch their food using their long,...
A baby fog stays in the egg for 6 to 21 days before it comes out.When the baby frogs leave their eggs, they are called tadpoles. The tadpoles are green or brown.This helps them hide in the algae (水藻). Many fish will eat the tadpoles. They will start swimming around more and ...
If so, it was probably a leopard frog. Leopard frogs are commonly used for classroom dissections, as well as frog legs. Leopard frogs are amphibians that are commonly found in North America. They start out life as eggs, then become tadpoles, and finally frogs....
Depending on the weather and water temperature, frog eggs take anywhere from a few days to three weeks to hatch. Most frogs begin life as fully aquatic tadpoles. However, they begin their metamorphosis into frogs pretty quickly! Within only about two to three months’ time, the tadpoles develo...
(5分)How do frogs grow?April 5th There are some eggs in the pond. They are black and small.They look like jelly. They stay together.April 19th The long tails get out from their eggs. They look like baby fish. They eat water plants. They can swim.May 8th The tadpoles(蝌蚪) have ...
Frogs are carnivores that eat live, moving food. Therefore, human food including lettuce is not adapted to frogs. Tadpoles however, may enjoy lettuce or spinach, but prefer algee.Do not feed frogletsor adult frogs lettuce or human food. ...
Do frogs and toads eat algae? Adult frogs and toads are always predatory, preying on insects mostly but also smaller frogs and fish. Tadpoles are mostly vegetarian, grazing onalgaethat grow in leaf or rock surfaces under the water. Sometimes, very large tadpoles, such as bullfrog tadpoles, ...