We argue that institutional investors are likely to play a proactive role in reducing carbon emissions, improving the firm reputational image and securing the insurance-like benefit. Such improved reputational image and insurance-like benefits provide a competitive advantage to firms when they experience...
Business description. Either write a few words describing what your business plans to do (such as “real estate management” or “motorcycle repair and maintenance”) or include the NAICS code that most closely matches your business. NAICS codes are six-digit codes that describe pretty much any...
Countries prohibit firms’ transnational financial crime by coordinating their regulations under international organizations (IOs). Under these IOs, s
Market research can inform key business decisions by showing how customers will respond. ✓ Learn how to get the market insights you need to take action.
C. Design an updated greenwashing risk management framework Using the insights gleaned from reverse scenarios, firms can create a robust, nuanced risk management framework based on: Specific vulnerabilities within the portfolio / operations / culture which increase the risk of Greenwashing Controls and...
The most common measure of firms’ environmental performance used by the asset management industry is carbon emissions. To test whether ESG funds pick stocks that obtain superior emissions performance relative to stocks picked by non-ESG funds, we obtain carbon emissions data from Trucost. Trucost is...
the presence of an overlapped AC chair were both associated with lower effective tax rates, which equated to more tax avoidance. This suggests that these directors play an advisory role in the Omani context. We found, however, that these directors play a monitoring role when firms take a loss...
The greater the quantity of land owned means the better ability to benefit from public services such as education and health. However, an undeveloped status of agriculture, a lack of irrigation, the use of traditional technology and the subsistence production of farmlands have rendered even ...
Management accountants often supervise lower-level accountants who handle basic accounting tasks, such as recording income and expenses and trackingtax liabilities. This information is used toprepare income statements, cash flow statements, andbalance sheets, In smaller firms, you may end up performing ...
In a downtrend, traders wait for a throwback (opposite of a pullback) toward a Fibonacci resistance level and confirm bearish momentum before entering short trades. To manage risk, traders placestop-loss ordersjust beyond the next Fibonacci level to prevent getting stopped out because of normal p...