这句子中的大致意思是原文删除figure captions,单独列出一个文件“figure captions ”上传。可是以上的这句话“Do not remove the figure captions from the figures. ”到底是什么意思?具体又如何表示?希望高人举个例子,指点迷津。在此深表感谢。
If you intend to spend a significant amount of money – as in a six-figure amount each month – you might also want to consider running a Brand Lift study. This is a unique survey that Google can run to evaluate how well your campaign drives key outcomes like brand awareness, ad recall...
You can combine this hike with the Hermits Rest to Bright Angel hike (above), or partly overlap the two—going from Hermits Rest to South Kaibab or Grandview Point to Bright Angel or doing either in the opposite direction. There are four water sources along this route, but only one is pe...
When Are You Okay is being flung above the building for the first time, Eraser is in the same pose he was in when Flower pushed him off the balance beam in "Take the Plunge". Eraser even has the older assets that were used at the time, as his mouth is colored, his eyes are m...
In the pic above Durga chews sugarcane, in general grasses grow all through the monsoon and are ripe and ready as it ends. The paragraph below refers to this. The extract is fromQurratulain Hyder’s Fireflies in the Mist, which has a beautifully evocative chapter on the seasons. ...
Common types of content include an Instagram story or Instagram post that will include an explanation of the business or its products. So, once you have increased your follower count above a thousand and have a good engagement rate, start your influencer outreach. The easiest way to do this ...
of the Edit tab and at the bottom of the window. iPhoto, by contrast, has a much more interesting and useful strip of thumbnails you can click to navigate visually through the folder. When you point to the preview bar below the image, the thumbnails zoom out to make them e...
Compared with the maverick label of the Gen Y, above two generations have stronger personalities. Gen Z and Gen Alpha have stronger desires to express themselves, and are also more sensitive to themselves, with a strong emotional need for virtual livestreamers and a higher degree of favorability...
where I’ve never had any issues with the shadow ban so far. The next day, I posted another picture, and it was even worse. The only few likes I got came from existing followers. I checked if I was being shadow banned – and I was (find out how to do that above). I tried pos...
Many of my audience are cubers (medical coders) that don’t have speakers (or in some cases, sound cards) so I make sure to use captions that mimic the narration. Favorite line: Don’t hire people who can’t figure out how to press a play button To stop reading this co...