cloth pockets and pouches use conductive material to block signals from a singular cellphone, but these devices are used more for privacy reasons. On the other hand, if you need to cut down on your device use to work on a project or even just finish a book, a personal Faraday cage might...
Next step, I also compiled a bunch of easy pouches anyone can sew, some from me and some from my friends and fellow bloggers. You can do these even without any previous sewing experience! The easiest zipper pouch anyone can make! Trust me, check out this tutorial, and you'll fast-forwa...
These handy little carry pouches are worn under your shirt, ensuring even the most adept pickpockets won’t have a chance at snatching your stuff. View on ➜ 2.Quick-Dry Travel Towel You must bring your own beach towel because you can’t rely on your hotel to provide them ...
The most effective RFID-blocking sleeves, pouches, and wallets on the market are those that use a Faraday Cage within a leather exterior. Faraday cages in paper sleeves are also very effective but will be less durable. Search for protection that contains the words "Electromagnetically Opaque" and...