8. My employer is requiring me to undergo COVID-19 testing on my day off before I can return to the jobsite. Do I need to be paid for the time spent undergoing the testing? It depends[.] [U]nder the FLSA, your employer is required to pay you for all hours that ...
COVID-19: What should employers do if employed health professionals such as doctors and nurses refuse to treat COVID-19 patients despite being provided with the required personal protective equipment?doi:10.7196/SAJBL.2020.v13i2.733SOUTH Africa...
The rollout of the self-test kits allows citizens to do COVID-19 tests easily at home. But self-testing cannot fully replace the more accurate nucleic acid tests as there is a risk of misdiagnosis. CGTN's Guo Meiping undertakes her first COVID-19 self-test with one of the newly appr...
Zweite Dosis von COVID-19-Impfungen im Gang in Beijng---Die Verabreichung der zweiten Dosis von COVID-19-Impfstoffen für Schlüsselgruppen von Bewohnern in ganz Beijing begann am 22. Januar und wird voraussichtlich vor dem 8. Februar abgeschlossen sein.
美国“大离职潮”的首要原因披露:和疫情无关 The No. 1 reason American workers quit their job has nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic 疫情之下,美国却出现了“大离职潮”。从去年开始,员工纷纷离职,让许多公司束手无策。调查发现,新冠疫情并不是这波离职潮的头号原因。[Photo/Pexels] US ...
willingness to payNumerous analyses of the benefits and costs of COVID policies have been completed quickly as the crisis has unfolded. The results often largely depend on the approach used to value mortality risk reductions, typically expressed as the value per statistical life (VSL). Many ...
At the very first Virtual UX Conference, Jakob Nielsen answered a participant question about what user experience can do to help with the coronavirus crisis.
Companies that have done well during the current crisis can turn their advantage into strong positions for years to come. Struggling companies can use the COVID-19 era as an opportunity to transform their businesses and join the winners. For more o...
As the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge across Europe, many people are asking how best to protect themselves and others from the virus? As always, the first thing you should do is to follow government guidance and listen to the restrictions already in p...
employers provide a specific bank of time off for employees (or their family members) to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. For example, New York City’s law that required employers to providepaid leave time for employees to facilitate COVID-19 vaccinations for their childexpired as of December 31...