Osama bin laden admitted to 911 on TV…. you seem to think that terrorists only fly airplanes, but do not know how to walk into buildings and plant bombs. This is like saying that because I can drive a car, I do not know how to walk into the store, and buy groceries. I think th...
The growing admiration of the Jewish state and the urge toemulate Israeloften find expression in the Indian media. Those who argue for "doing a Lebanon" in Pakistan have once again found growing support in India with the government and the media joining the chorus of accusations of Pakistan's...
graduallymatured.Electromagneticpulse(EMP)Call be producedby nuclear explosions,lightening,high-power microwave bomb,electromagneticpulse bombsandother method,whichcan damage the crystaldiodes,transistors,integratedcircuits,resistorsand capacitors,filters,relays ...