Electronic cigarettes, also known as smokeless cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or e-cigs, are an alternative method of consuming nicotine, the addictive chemical found in tobacco. Manufacturers often design e-cigarettes to look like regular cigarettes, but they contain no tobacco and don't require a mat...
Starfire Cigs cartridge fluid gives a rich flavor in every puff. It tastes, looks, and also feels just like the actual cigarette. A single cartridge is equal to nearly one packet of the actual cigarettes. There are several flavors of StarFire Cigs. If you like the flavors of tobacco ...
e-cigs are (without a doubt) significantly less harmful than tobacco. By eliminating tar and drastically reducing the deadly, toxic chemicals, almost every expert agrees that e
Electronic cigarettes, also known as smokeless cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or e-cigs, are an alternative method of consuming nicotine, the addictive chemical found in tobacco. Manufacturers often design e-cigarettes to look like regular cigarettes, but they contain no tobacco and don't require a mat...
Related articleE-cigarettes: Healthy tool or gateway device? In regard to safety, a study found that e-cigarettes containtobacco-specific nitrosamines and heavy metalslike cadmium, nickel and lead but that the levels were nine to 450 times lower than traditional cigarettes. Theeffect on lung fu...
electronic cigarettes will lead to a new generation of adults who have never smoked but are dependent on nicotine. This fear is based on the expectation that due to the appeal of the products, children who have never used tobacco will be attracted to e-cigarettes and start to use them ...