Many dog owners talk totheir dogs in a cutesy or gentle tone when they are kissing them, and the dog learns to associate the kisses with the gentle tone. They will, therefore, respond accordingly, and once they get used to kisses and cuddles, will often show signs of affection back in ...
Relying mostly on their sense of smell and their mouths to explore and understand their surroundings, licking is a tool that many dogs use to communicate with others. In fact, dogs lick themselves, other dogs, and humans for a number of reasons ranging from playful affection to cleaning diseas...
but most humans have let this ability fall dormant. If you are displeased, your dog will know it when you walk into the room because it feels your anger and the energy that is produced by this emotion. Dogs do not understand that the reason you...
Deer and Elk shed their antlers annually and there are enterprising folks that wander through the wilderness and pick these up and turn them into everything from dog chews to knife handles and intricate, artistic carvings.) Unfortunately, antler bones don’t seem to fascinate my dogs the way s...
Cats know their names, but don't expect them to always come when you call. Kitty,Mittens, Frank, Porkchop. Whatever you named your cat, and whatever cute nicknames you end up using for her, domesticated felines can understand their monikers. ...
HistoryBorder Terrier puppies are alert, playful and affectionate.The history of the breed dates back to the 19th century when these dogs were known as the Reedwater or the Coquetdale Terrier, after the places where these dogs were first used. ...
They can be perfect if you have a baby or even kids. It is because these dogs don’t bark very often. They are not aggressive at all and are more likely to lick your child and be goofy with them rather than bite them. However, they can be a handful if you don’t understand how...
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