The CHP would work to increase the number of doctors and nurses available in the Northwest. We would also work to improve safety for nurses and patients. READ MORE:CHP chooses Skeena-Bulkley Valley candidate Taylor Bachrach, NDP cand...
Doctors I wish I wasn’t able to write about this, but unfortunately Z was unwell the first time we went to Kuala Lumpur. We took him to a medical center on level 5 of Berjaya Times Square. We went in when it opened at 10am without an appointment and only had to wait for half an...
CENTRALSALESTAX/GST DIRECTTAXES BUSINESSTAXATIONBUSINESSTAXATION MATforSEZUnitsandSEZ Developers LLPsubjecttoMAT Dividendsfromforeign subsidiaries Transferpricing NotifiedJurisdictionalArea 200%weighteddeductiononcontributionfor ScientificResearchProgrammes[S.35] ...