Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English mean‧ing‧ful/ˈmiːnɪŋfəl/●●○adjective1having a meaning that iseasytounderstandand makes senseWithout more data we cannot make a meaningful comparison of the two systems.Teaching history to five-year-olds in ameaningful waycan be...
To get a diplomatic passport, you'll generally have to be employed by a government or be a family member of a person who works...
•Foreigndiplomatshave allkindsof specialprivileges.•Ifprisonersbehavewell they are allowed theprivilegeof visiting their families at theweekend.•Not everyone has theprivilegeof aprivateeducation.•The higherrateincludes theprivilegeofreservingscreeningcarrelsinadvance.•They did not give up their...
歌词 原文:Fiend.DoYouWannaBeARider?. 译文: 恶魔. 您想成为骑士?. 歌词 Black Rob. Whoa!. 黑罗布. 哇!. ... somethin' man (What's goin' on yo) Yo, whenyousee somethin' ill Knahmean? that shit is whoa (That's what whoa means) Anything illyousee is whoa Nigga havea ...
diplomats dip dingy dimaggio diluted digital dietary diction dialectic devoid devil's detecting desolate desegregated deposits depletion depicting denies demythologization demonstrating demonstrates della dell delivers delinquent dekalb definitions defenders defendant deerstalker deduced decreasing decorated declines ...
Another example might be that the players are diplomats trying to win the favour of some barbarian lord for their king, and after drinking together the barbarian suggests a friendly contest of arms to see the mettle of the characters. Or the characters need to assassinate a powerful mage wh...
becausehedidn’tpanic.Therewasenoughof thatbackinWashingtonalready;andalongwithit,therepatriatedbody ofDavidCahill. CahillhadbeenanAgencyNOCbasedinShanghai.AnIvyLeague bluebloodtype,whoknewalltherightpeopleandwenttoalltheright parties.Hesawthingsinblackandwhite.Grayareaswerefor professionalliars,likediplomats...