The extremely strong localization of these clustrons (because the neighbour clusters vibrate at different frequencies) explains the decreased thermal conductivity in glasses apart from the specific heat increase (which would cause a parallel increase in the thermal conductivity in crystals)....
So, the reason that the number 32, 768 vibrations a second is chosen is partly because it’s in the range of frequencies within which it is easy to get quartz to vibrate but also, more importantly, if you divide this number by two, fifteen times, you end up with 1 vibration per seco...
vibrateataspecificfrequency.Theresonant frequencyofthequartzoscillatordependson howitiscutfromtheoriginalcrystal.These crystalsareusedasthetimingdevicein electronicwatchesandmanyotherdevicesin 1Statewhatismeantbyoscillationandsimple harmonicmotion. 2StatetwowaysinwhichanSHMoscillationis differentfromageneraloscillation....
crystalexpands&contractsatfrequenciesthatproducecrystalexpands&contractsatfrequenciesthatproduceultrasoundultrasoundpizoelectriccrystalintransducerheadWavelength(l)ultrasoundtransducer PropertiesofultrasoundPropertiesofultrasound higherthesoundfrequency,lessthehigherthesoundfrequency,lessthepropagationwavedivergespropagationwave...
crystals crystals occurs when an electric current is passed through the crystal occurs when an electric current is passed through the crystal crystal expands & contracts at frequencies that produce crystal expands & contracts at frequencies that produce ultrasound ultrasound pizoelectric crystal in ...