Which do mosquitoes prefer: a mosquito trap or human skin? For fun, let’s turn to equation-based modeling to find out.
Mosquito Magnet® Defender Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper When they are set up properly, put in the right place and tuned to the appropriate species of mosquito (with the correct attractant chemical), mosquito traps can be very effective. According to the Mosquito Magnet Web site,...
What Does Work for Mosquitoes? The Theory Behind Mosquito Apps Bats use echolocation to find flying insects. They send out ultrasonic frequencies and monitor the reflected sounds. Humans can’t hear these frequencies, but if you could hear them, they would sound something like; ping…ping….ping...
Slugs and snails are attracted to both the yeast and the carbohydrates in beer. They crawl into the cup and drown because they are unable to crawl back out. Here’s how to build beer traps, plus 5 other natural techniques for wiping out your annoying slug problem....
Mosquito-borne diseases, Residual anophelism, Anopheles labranchiae, Vectorial capacity, Climate change, Plasmodium falciparum, Experimental infection Background In recent years, the increase in globalization [1], the rise in the average temperature of the earth together with an increasing frequency and...