Druids have been demoted due to changes in wildshape, while Core Clerics were never tier 1 - it took Divine Metamagic for that tier placement. All remain very powerful classes though. Tier 3: Paladins, Bards, Rangers. Paladins have to be pushing tier 2, while Rangers didn't get boosted...
Clerics have the very same issue. However they can switch gods and regain all the power they have lost (mostly) ,where a paladin can not. Which I admit is a mechanical issue, but not a roleplying one. A CR20 Seagull Nov 1, 2011, 12:47 am Always fun watching an advice thread de...
gain access to enhancements which increases the difficulty check of theirtactical feats. Dwarven melee classes have a freedwarven waraxeproficiency. Another example of their sturdiness is their ability to resist poisons and spells. A pious race, dwarvenclericshave access to enhancements which increase...