Anyway, once I became an adult and married Judy Birdsong, who had been a Young Lifer in high school, lost her religion at Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, “a small Christian College for small Christians,” as Judy used to say, I bid adieu to Christianity. We had our two sons ba...
It wasEmperor Constantinewho decreed that Christians should no longer keep the Sabbath and keep only to Sunday (the latter part of the first day of the week) calling it the "Venerable Day of the Sun". Is Sunday a first day of the week? In the United States,Sunday is still considered t...
The Bible declares that we are new creations. But just as we are considered forensically or legally righteous in Jesus since believers are covered by his blood, we still have to grow into what we are in practice. Today, waiting in my physical therapist’s office for my time slot, I shunn...
The only Jews who worship Jesus are the Messianic Jews. Traditional/Orthodox Jews do not believe in the Messiahship nor the divinity of Jesus. Most traditional Jews believe Jesus was a Jewish teacher, charismatic leader, or a false Messiah; however, as Christians, we know Jesus is our Redeeme...
So, how was this multiplicity of “denominations” developed, and accepted as normal by Christians today? It happened through the very things which the scriptures warn against; perverting the gospel, apostasy, schisms, false teachings, and divisions. Paul saw it coming and warned Timothy in 2 ...
You have to help other Christians that have problems. If you do that, you will be doing what Jesus Christ told you to do. 3Don’t think that you are too important to help other Christians. If you are not very important, but you reckon you are really important, then you are just ...
Christ shows us:as Christians, we have a duty to both God and man. Mark 13 In Chapter 13 of Mark, Jesus teaches about the future. Many of the disciples had confused understanding about the destruction of Jerusalem (which was coming soon) with the end times (of which no one knows the ...
The subject suggested by the text is the restless activity of evil men in the propagation of evil. A man is accountable for his creed as well as for his practice — accountable inasmuch as it must be through his own fault that he believes what is false just as much as it is through ...
Peter, Paul, James and the leadership of the church met and agreed that Gentile converts would not have to practice unnecessary Jewish traditions that do not count toward salvation. Therefore, Paul contextualized the Jewish gospel to the gentile culture which later became known as Christianity. ...
It is an old subject of controversy whetherthe day after the Sabbathmeans Sunday, the first day of the week and the day after the weekly Shabbat, or the second day of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread. “While the book of Joshua (5:11) suggests that the earliest practice understoodmima...