What does li mean in Confucianism? Was Taoism henotheistic? What is Daoism like in China? Did Daoism emerge around the time of Buddhism? What are Confucianism followers called? How is Daoism extrinsic? How does Confucianism relate to Christianity?
Christianity Beliefs Man has a soul. There is no reincarnation. People who accept what Jesus accomplished on the cross and his resurrection go to heaven. Jesus said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you...
Founded long before Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, Zoroastrianism developed many of the concepts included in these other religions. Like Catholicism, Zoroastrianism entails the concepts of heaven, hell, and something in between. Zoroastrians believe the souls of late individuals st...
What religions believe in reincarnation? How many Pagan religions are there? Who were the Pagans in the Bible? What is the difference between Pagan and Wiccan? What is the difference between Paganism and Christianity? What is a pagan? How many Pagans are in the U.S.? Do Pagans worship ...
In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the age of prophecy is considered to be over, and the revelations of the prophets are regarded as final and complete. It was thus logically consistent to argue that the age of miracles had also been concluded. Among those who attacked the credibility of ...
The things that we have always accepted as doctrine and have incorporated into our way of life as tradition may in fact mean something quite different then we have been led to believe. Take a look at some of these things that have become traditions to us and see where we may have actuall...
Spiritism adheres to most ofChristianity’s foundational beliefs, including the existence of anomnipotent,benevolentGod who created the universe and everything in it;Jesusas a model for God’s law and his sacrifice a testament to God’s love; and that humans possessfree willonEarthas souls in ...
expresses the hopeless of humankind,who desperately call for the Lord. In addition to symbols of Christianity, the word, “stupa,”in the title,which originally meant the Buddhists, also refers to a mound of mud or clay that covers relics of the Buddha or the funeralmonuments of Buddhist mon...
You said to me, Obama is a dictator.. you really think he has no men behind him who are more powerful? He was a nobody, and now the President. Hard to believe, and in fact not true, that he got there through his own effort. ...
Founded long before Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, Zoroastrianismdeveloped many of the conceptsincluded in these other religions. Like Catholicism, Zoroastrianism entails the concepts of heaven, hell, and something in between. Zoroastrians believe the souls of late individuals stay ...