Phytoceramide supplement information, including what they are, what they claim to do, and if they have anti-aging effects.
How to use probiotics for skin care You can take oral probiotics (likesupplements) or apply topical probiotics (like a cream). Most of the research on microbiome skin care is on oral probiotics. They mainly work by lowering the levels of systemic inflammation in your body. However, there's ...
insulinceramidedracunculusbioactivesartemisiamuscle Novelmechanismsforbotanicaleffect BioactivesofArtemisiadracunculusL.enhanceinsulin sensitivitybymodulationofceramidemetabolisminrat skeletalmusclecells DianaN.ObandaPh.D. a ,DavidM.RibnickyPh.D. b ,IlyaRaskinPh.D. b , WilliamT.CefaluM.D. a, * a Diabetesan...