Do crabs have hearts? Crabs don't have a heart. They have an open circulatory system . ... It is called an open circulatory system because the blood doesn't flow in a closed loop like it does in a human's closed circulatory system – which has a heart, arteries and veins to return...
Some gastropods have one atrium, and nautiloids, which are cephalopods, have four atria. A dorsal heart, homologous to the dorsal blood vessel in annelids, is characteristic of arthropods. It consists of a series of heart chambers that are connected to the anterior aorta. Venous blood collects...
They move byjet propulsion; water in the mantle cavity is squirted rapidly through a siphon. The foot has evolved into tentacles around head. Cephalopods have a powerful beak-like structure to tear apart prey. Do bivalves use a type of jet propulsion for movement? The most famous swimming b...
Cephalopodsexhibitmanyuniquecharacteristicsthat distinguishthemfromothermolluscssuchashorny beaks,complexeyeswithalens,aclosedcirculatory system,ahighlycentralizednervoussystem,modifica- tionofthefootintocircum-oralappendages,anda funnelapparatusthatallowedthemtobecomeactive ...
(throughmantle)butspecializedgills,lungs presentpresent(derivedfrommantle).(derivedfrommantle). CirculatoryCirculatory--pumpingheart,vesselsandsinuses;opensysteminallbutcephalopods;pumpingheart,vesselsandsinuses;opensysteminallbutcephalopods; ––HemocyaninHemocyanin--oxygencombiningpigmentor“blood”thatcontainscopper...