Contrary to urban myth, key parts of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007) apply to all. 'construction work', not just larger projects. CDM 2007 applies to a huge range of activities, including extension, renovation and even routine building maintenance. Yet it'...
4 Create your own golden thread of information: Ensure information is organised and available 5 Brush up on the CDM regulations: ‘There are lots of parallels on how we go forward,’ advises Peter Caplehorn. 6 Communicate with clients: Make sure your clients understand the ongoing changes 7 W...
During the period of high-quality development in China, environmental regulations have been regarded as powerful exogenous forces, especially for accelerating the green transformation of the manufacturing industry. Treating the first implementation of cleaner production industry standard policies in 2003 as ...
Slide5 许可条件:AdmissionRequirements 符合中国的法律法规和可持续发展战略、政策,以及国民经济和社会发展规划的总体要求 CDMprojectactivitiesshallconformtoChina’slawsandregulations, sustainabilitydevelopmentstrategyandpolicy,aswellasthegeneral requirementsofnationaleconomicandsocialdevelopment 不能使中国承担《公约》和《...
EB新洁展EBProgress 四、世界CDM情况CDMintheworld Concept 洁洁展机制(清CDM)系京都洁定洁第12立的机制条确,核心涵是:洁内达 家通洁提供洁金和技洁的方式,洁展中家合作,在洁展中家洁施具有国与国国温 室排效果的洁目,洁目所洁生的室排量作洁洁家履行京都洁气体减温气体减达国 定洁所洁定的一部分洁洁...
After much debate, countless consultations and numerous redrafts, the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007 hit the statute books on April 6 2007. While the fundamental concepts of the regulations are similar to their 1994 predecessors, they introduce some significant changes that will ...
CDM Regulations to be amendedCDM RegulationsDesigner duties
一般CDM的基本规则已经达成,可以开始实施 ModalitiesandproceduresforgeneralCDMprojectsareinplace,and canbeapplied 小项目:经COP-8批准,已经允许采用简化的模式和程序: SmallScaleproject:canapplyforsimplifiedrulesadoptedatCop-8 碳汇CDM:2003年12月COP-9上完成 ...
ClientorPrincipalcontractorundertheCDMregulations. ApprovedPolicyanddesignparameterscontainedwithinthisdocumentandits appendicesorthewrittenapprovalofGECOL. CNECombinedneutralandearth(ofcableconstruction). CustomerTherecipientsofthepowersupplybeingatenantorownerofa ...
Information in this Certificate may assist the client, CDM co-ordinator, designer and contractors to address their obligations under these Regulations. See sections: 2 Delivery and site handling (2.3) and 11 General (11.2) of this Certificate. Non-regulatory Information NHBC Standards 2008 NHBC ac...