Carbohydrates are one of the four major types of biological macromolecules that all living things need to survive. Carbohydrates are made of long carbon chains, to which hydrogen and oxygen are bonded. Answer and Explanation:1 Animals use carbohydrates for energy to fuel their cells. Carbohydrates ...
It has been suggested that aging is not caused by active gene programming, but that it rather evolved through limitations in maintenance of somatic cells in which there was a build up of damage [2], which in fact is associated with gene mutations that affect endocrine signaling, stress respons...
(RNA) sugar base phosphate group NucleotidesBuildNucleicAcids •1’carbonatomofsugar attachestonitrogenof purineorpyrimidine •Acidicnaturedueto phosphategroup •Nucleotidesarelinked byphosphodiesterbonds TheSimplicityofMonosaccharides •Carbohydratesof combinationsof carbonandwaterina one-to-oneratio •...