(P. Madhusudan) AQyaxa mahado ya kI klama sao … ip`ya sahkima-yaaoMÊ maOMÊ Aar Aa[- ena ela samaUh kao [Midra gaaMQaI rajaBaaYaa SaIlDÊ ivaSvakmaa- raYTI/ ya purskarÊ inaYpadna ]%ÌYTta purskar 2012¹13Ê raYTI/ ya satkt- a ]%ÌYTta pru skar 2014 jasO ...
There was a lot of potential for partying and relaxing in beautiful surroundings but there wasn’t time for that – there was a shed to build. We arrived and the first job was to attach a bit of wood to the concrete base to screw the frame to. I’d seen the builders do this so I...