Do you carry malpractice insurance?Focuses on malpractice insurance coverage of nurses in the United States. Coverage of the malpractice insurance of the employer; Refusal of an insurance company to defend a client.doi:10.1097/00152193-200412000-00038&NANursing...
tort reformmedical malpracticeIn this paper, we examine the extent to which reforms to the tort liability system alter trends in medical malpractice insurance market conditions. Our researchBorn, PatriciaKarl, J.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
These insurance companies will do what they can to protect their policyholder. The car accident attorneys at our law firm have found that insurers have numerous techniques for combating claims, including drawing out the investigation until you are willing to accept a lower payout. Legal Citations:...
You check has been issued and you can pick it up whenever you want. The numbers will not change. Need an attorney?OurEnjuris Partnersare ready to helpFIND OUT IF YOU HAVE A CASE Start here
There’s too much at stake to face the insurance company’s experts on your own. Most injury attorneys offer free consultations to victims like you. Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents Most pedestrian accidents occur in urban areas. There are plenty of pedestrians hit on country roads, but bu...
insurancecriseshasbeenamatterofdebate,inpartbecausethesecriseshavebeenatthe intersectionofthehealthcare,tort,andinsurancesystems. Currently,themedicalliabilityinsurancemarketisnotexhibitingcrisissymptoms.Overthepast fouryears,lossesincurredbymedicalmalpracticeinsurershavedroppeddramaticallyand ...
Malpractice insurance companies typically provide coverage for an attorney for the nurse to represent that nurse's interests when a claim or lawsuit arises. Some nurses may believe that they are not likely to get sued. Some believe this is a more physician-related event (Pohlman, 2015). ...
Malpractice Insurance: Do You Have it Covered?Bobbi HarrisonHealthcare Traveler
Zeiler, Kathryn and Hardcastle, Lorian. 2013. "Do Damage Caps Reduce Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums? A Systematic Review of Estimates and the Methods Used to Produce Them." In: Jennifer Arlen, ed., Research Handbook on the Economics of Torts. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Press....
INSURANCE premiumsFINANCIAL planningThe impact of medical malpractice reforms, especially caps on noneconomic damages, is of special interest to policymakers and physicians. Adopting such caps has become rare during the past decade, and most existing analyses study state reforms occurring during periods ...