Meanwhile, Republican governors in Florida and Texas have attracted media attention for paying to transport migrants and asylum seekers to liberal areas of the country. These two issues aren’t obviously linked, but they have one major commonality: They rank among the most partisan in the United ...
It’s been known for some time that asylum seekers can work in care homes once they’ve been here one year. Now it seems the government has broadened this scheme to further incentivise illegal immigration. What with the entirely predictable closure of Port Talbot steelworks (nothing whatsoever...
While in the 1980s, CDU implemented a series of restrictive immigration and citizenship legislations, in 1992, SPD and CDU reached a compromise on a restrictive policy about asylum seekers (Triadafilopoulos2019). Later, SPD and Greens formed a coalition government, which passed comprehensive citizen...
many do so against their will. There is as always, another story, the one less told. That of precarious labour and migrants, key workers and asylum seekers, the poor. But also of people whose sense of home, of belonging and safety, depends on the diver...
Education and having access to social support play a vital role in the human life. Integrated and better-educated people demonstrate an increased personal health and well-being. Social isolation, on the contrary, can affect not only the personal developm
Refuge or asylum seekers amounted to 0.1%, while 3.4% cited 'other reasons'. These include, 'better research opportunities', 'better human rights', 'spouse working in the UK', 'wanted to prove myself amidst the international competition' and 'a step to the USA'. Figure 3 Main Reason ...
However, as mentioned by some civil society actors, even though they are called “brothers”, Libyans do not have any formal legal status in Tunisia: they are considered neither migrants nor asylum seekers, and they do not get the UNHCR refugee status. ...