all kinds of paint all know nothing abou all large arteries all links permanent all live in peace all major banks all mcbeal all means all mental representa all mine all modern american l all most blues all mountain codonops all music the voice s all my dreams are bro all my ladies come...
First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure. The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen. Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke. 抽烟做什么对心脏? 首先,...
The build-up ofcholesterolandplaque(fatty deposits) in the arteries carrying blood to your heart can lead to blockages. When the blockage gets too large, the constriction of the artery may result in aheart attack. Your primary care doctor or cardiologist may detect blockages before a heart at...
EF is one of many measurements of how well your heart works. It measures the active pump function of your heart when it contracts and pumps blood out of your heart and into your arteries. Technically, EF is the percentage (fraction) of blood that is ejected from your heart as it contract...
points out that Chondroitin Sulfate A could very well makejoint replacements unnecessary. He also found that Chondroitin Sulfate A is absolutely vital to the arterial walls to keep them supple and elastic to prevent hardening of the arteries. Being a powerful anti-thrombogenic agent, it also reduc...
The blood flow in the aorta results from the combined action of local factors, such as the biomechanical properties of the arterial wall, and nonlocal factors, such as the heart function, the compliance of the cardiovascular system, and the peripheral vascular resistance. Thus, a physical model...
Medicalresearchers have proved that what people eataffects theirhealth.Theyadvise peopleto eatmorefruitandvegetablesandless meatsuchas beefandporkbecausemeatcontainsmorefat thanpoultry(家禽) and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries(动脉) blocktheflowof blood and cause a heart attack orstroke(中风...
Atherosclerosis is currently recognized as a progressive metabolic and immune-inflammatory disease that affects the intimal lining of medium- and large-sized arteries [1,2,3]. It is considered to be the main cause of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases—a category that include coronary artery disea...
Musculoskeletal pain is a condition that characterises several diseases and represents a constantly growing issue with enormous socio-economic burdens, highlighting the importance of developing treatment algorithms appropriate to the patient’s needs and effective management strategies. Indeed, the algic condit...
receive blood from thearteriesvia the arterioles andcapillaries. The venules branch into larger veins which eventually carry the blood to the largest veins in the body, thevena cava. Blood is then transported from the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava to the rightatriumof the heart. ...