HTC Sense Home Unlocking the screen Motion gestures Touch gestures Opening an app Sleep mode Sharing content Switching between recently opened apps Refreshing content Capturing your phone's screen Travel mode What is the HTC Sense Home widget? Setting up the HTC Sense Home widget Setting your home...
HUAWEI ID Sign-In Without Identity Verification HUAWEI ID Sign-In via ID Token (OpenID Connect) HUAWEI ID Sign-In via Authorization Code (OAuth 2.0) Quick HUAWEI ID Sign-In to Apps That Apply for Only the OpenID or UnionID Function-based Development Signing In with an ID Si...
expo/create-react-native-app - Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web nodeca/pako - high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js ysugimoto/aws-lambda-image - Automatic image resize/reduce on AWS Lambda marcuswestin/store.js - Cross-browser storag...
Step 2.Tap onDownload and install. Step 3.Follow the on-screen instructions. Check 1. Deactivate the Bedtime mode feature IfBedtime modeis enabled, all colors on the screen will be displayed in grayscale.Bedtime modelets you get ready for bed by turning your screen bl...
Do not disturb mode Use Do not disturb mode to reject calls, and silence audible alerts and notifications, but still keep a data connection available. With two fingers, swipe down from the top of the screen to openQuick Settings. TapTotal silence,Alarms only, orPriority onlydepending on if ...
When you put a laptop to sleep, the Mac saves its state, including which apps are open, and saves documents in supported apps. This prevents you from losing data if your battery is depleted. The next time you start up the Mac, the saved state will be loaded....
Fix(ch08s04): Correct Chef download link in Containerfile (RedHatTrai… nodejs-helloworld initial commit with apps from course repo php-hello-dockerfile sources for custom image from chapter 01 php-helloworld initial commit with apps from course repo php-scale Adding php-scale app for ch...
Double tapto wake and sleep Simply double-tap the screen to wake your tablet from standby mode or to turn it off instantly. It's quick, convenient, saves battery, and extends your device's life. Say goodbye to button hassles! Facial Recognition ...
GIFMute a MicrophoneRecord AudioResize an ImageScreen CaptureScreen RecordScreenshot a PageSet an AlarmTake a PhotoTake VideoDo Not DisturbUninstall AppsZip a FilePresentation ModeQR Code GeneratorScreen Capture an Active WindowScreen RecorderShow DesktopSleep TimerStopwatchTimerTransform TextVideo ...
iPhone sleep timer: How to turn apps off automatically Entered wrong passcode? How to fix disabled iPhone saying connect to iTunes Contents Is your iPhone going to the Lock screen or restarting itself? Why does my iPhone keep going back to the Lock screen? How do I keep my iPhone or iPad...