After a few weeks of “trying veg,” I would crawl back to my meat-eating ways, ashamed that my body seemed to thrive on chickens, cows and fish. Because I can telepathically communicate with animals, though, the Standard American Diet seemed equally intolerable: I could actually feel the ...
imagine humans and aliens from other planets communicating telepathically despite not sharing a language.But can it really come true with current science and technology? Besides,GOFT promises genuine communication.However,( 8) ___ is universal.We all have experiences...
Brain-computerinterfacesmaychangewhatitmeanstobehuman 脑机接口可能会改变对人的定义 TECHNOLOGIESareoftenbilledastransformative.ForWilliamKochevar, thetermisjustified.MrKochevarisparalysedbelowtheshouldersaftera cyclingaccident,yethasmanagedtofeedhimselfbyhisownhand.This remarkablefeatispartlythankstoelectrodes,implante...