Note that there areregional variationsin the terms used todescribe lawyers– for example, solicitors and barristers (UK) are called attorneys in the US, while barristers are called advocates in Scotland, South Africa, Israel and Brazil, and solicitors are called attorneys in South Africa. ...
you must register for the draft. If you are a male legal permanent resident, illegal alien or refugee living in the U.S., you also have to register. If, on the other hand, you are on a student or visitor visa in America or are part of a diplomatic or trade mission...
The Court in Schmitt drew attention to the flexibility of bespoke case management on the basis of flexible, conventional case management powers, holding at [48] that: “Issues such as controlling costs across a group of claimants represented by multiple firms of solicitors and the need for test...
been established to provide free legal advice and information on a number of legal issues including: accommodation, aged discrimination, finance and consumer issues, elder abuse, family agreements, health and welfare issues, wills, and more. A panel of pro bono private solicitors has been brou...
Office Assistant: M s Cheng W ai Yung Honorary Cons ultants Honorary Consultant: M r. Allen Peng Fei Lee, JP Financial Consultant: Y.H. Cheung & Co., Certified Public Accountants Legal Consultants: Fred Kan & Co., Solicitors & Notaries...
law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The term partner in relation to Linklaters LLP is used to refer to a member of the LLP or an employee or consultant of Linklaters LLP or any of its affiliated firms or entities ...