In Islam, Muslims have to fulfil five obligatory duties bestowed upon them —Shahadah(profession of faith),Salat(prayer),Siam(fasting),Zakat(charity), andHajj(pilgrimage). As you see, fasting is one of the five pillars of belief for all Muslims. And, fasting is obligatory during the month ...
Why we need Islam;To secure consistency and rationality in logical thought. Through worshiping Allah, life becomes meaningful and most important of all, purposeful. To equalize all humans and races. To further our knowledge and scientific progress. Islam encourages and even urges its followers to...
The first 7 century, when the Bosnian people believe in Islam The Arabs a rustic unsuspecting. In 636, the Sassanid Persia at this time to end the war. Because no one can be on the defensive functions with comparable to Constantinople in 651, the capital, and thus wiped out by Muslims....
The number of non-Muslims who are converting to Islam is growing. In the U.S., the majority are African-Americans (a third of all US Muslims according to most authorities), but there have also been significant numbers ofothersto convert as well, many of them well-educated. Muslims in no...
Islamic Studies Center | Events: Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class. Historically, the United States has defined itself in opposition to groups and ideas, from monarchies to poor people. The 2020 election has strong historical echoes with how the country defined itself at its founding, ag...
If Muslims were given some kind of ability to shift perspective with them, I doubt the Muslims would want to learn to understand their viewpoints. This is something that I cannot fathom. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Please see the articles on the page Non-Muslims in Islam ...
What do Muslims wear during Hajj?Dressing the Part:The Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, is one of the five Pillars of the Muslim faith. The journey to Islam's holiest city is also one of the holiest experiences in a Muslim's life. Preparation for the pilgrimage even extends to the clothing...
Ataturk in Turkey tried very hard to suppress Islam 80 years ago. But demographics favour the fundamentalist Muslims who are outbreeding the secular and they are slowly being reIslamised. Anyway, it's something for all of us to think about. What is your end goal, and are your points consi...
The Details of the Question Why do Muslims call Jesus “Masih”? What does it mean? What is the role of Christ in the religion of Islam? Submitted by Hussein on Mon, 20/06/2011 - 12:26 The Answer Dear Brother / Sister, a. The word Masih, which is a nickn...
in Egypt is praying four. No Muslim scholar, even those who live in the West, dares to say that alcohol or fornication is legal in Islam –even when some Muslims occasionally fall into such sins they know they do it against Islam and out of weakness and not because one scholar says so...