Clearly, applicants' grade point averages are difficult to compare. This is where Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores come in. Whereas grade point averages are not standardized (there are enormous differences in how professors within a department, university, or country grade student work), the GR...
While some schools automatically include you on the waitlist, others require you to explicitly accept your slot on it. Be sure to read the fine print of your decision letter to make sure you understand which camp your program falls in. Read: What It Takes to Get Accepted at a Top M...
Taking the GRE or GMAT won’t help much if you’ve already taken the LSAT, since schools consider the LSAT by default if you submit scores from both tests. However, if you haven’t taken the LSAT and are merely concerned about scoring low on practice exams, that may be an ...
Learn how to find average GRE scores by program and by major to see what types of scores you’ll need to stay ahead of the pack. Applying to other highly selective grad schools? Check out our GRE score pages for Caltech (coming soon), Harvard (coming soon), and Stanford (coming soon...
Some schools provide mean scores A school may provide the mean or median GRE scores of a recent class or of recently accepted applicants. The mean is the average score. The median is the middle score when all the scores are put in order. Assuming that other parts of your application are ...
What are good GRE scores for other prestigious grad schools? Take a look at our GRE score pages for MIT, Stanford (coming soon), and Columbia (coming soon) to learn more! Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points? We've written a eBook about the top 5 strategies you must be using...
Adding even more GRE practices tests to your schedule can help you anticipate what to expect when it comes time to take the real thing. Mark these on your calendar and stick to your practice test dates as opportunities for self-assessment. ...
While most physicists do start with a bachelor’s degree in physics, more than 50% of bachelor’s degree holders in physics do continue to grad school. Some of the most common degree programs for physics graduates to pursue at the graduate level include: ...
In 2010, I began graduate school for Nutrition. I still had a great interest in working with the homeless, but actually began the program thinking I might start an independent company to serve marginalized seniors. I focused most of my grad projects on food insecurity and hunger in the Distri...
Yup. One problem with life is that there isn't a reset button. I'd be curious to see what would have happened had I gone to big state school, or if I had focused a bit more and gotten myself in the Harvard grad school. Really? I know tons of totally ignorant people that tend...