Piston rings cause mine to blow white smoke it was from burning oil if that helps anybody Reply Ashok kumar I have a ford figo car. My car run without engine oil .when I put engine oil in car after few dasya it exhaust white smoke.what is the reason for that. How I fix it ...
Scientists have a more precise way of judging a fish’s age. They simply count the rings on their scales, kind of like the way you tell the age of a tree2. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of concrete scientific evidence about aquarium fish lifespans out there, so most of what we ...
bigbadbadge Gold Member 21k Gender:Male Location:South East Kent Posted October 31, 2022 Nice additional work on the cockpits and UC bays. Chris 1 PeterB Members 8.7k Gender:Male Location:Pontypridd South Wales UK Interests:Planes, trains, AFV's, warships and food. Author Poste...
(That’s a little bit rushed by our standards, but still reasonable) As we do with all students who have been ranked in a different style, we asked him to participate in our intermediate level class without his belt, so that we could assess which level is most appropriate for his trainin...