Finally, alcoholism can cause long-term nerve damage. This is called alcoholic neuropathy. The cause is unknown, but likely has to do with a deficiency of nutrients associated with alcoholics. This damage is usually permanent, and will likely get worse if the patient keeps drinking. Treatment F...
An endocannabinoid signal associated with desire for alcohol is suppressed in recently abstinent alcoholics. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 205: 63–72. CAS Google Scholar Marazzi J, Kleyer J, Paredes JM, Gertsch J (2011). Endocannabinoid content in fetal bovine sera—unexpected effects on mononuclear...
sourceorrevenueandtax 1930AmericanAlcoholicsAnonymousfoundedin AlcoholBeverages Hundredsofdifferentalcohols Ethyl(beverage) Methyl(woodalcohol) Isopropyl Butyl Anyalcoholwith2%grainisconsideredabeveragealcohol Alcoholoccursnaturallyasaresultofairborneyeastfeedingonsugarsinhoney,fruits,berries,vegetablesandgrainscalled“...