Why do volatile organic compounds have weak intramolecular bonds? Why are chlorinated hydrocarbons dangerous to marine organisms? Why do alcohols boil at much higher temperatures than hydrocarbons of similar molecular weight? Why are trans fats bad for your body?
have higher boiling points than alkanes of equivalent molecular weight have. Like alcohols, amines with generally water-soluble. Primary and secondary amines form strong hydrogen bonds and are highly associated in the liquid state. Organic Chemistry ...
Why do corn cobs have long tassels ? View Solution Why do animals consume more energy as compared to plants View Solution Why do alcohols possess higher boiling points as compared to those of corresponding alkanes ? View Solution Why do He and H2 shows exceptional behaviour as compared to res...
(β-溴丁酸) chapter10chapter108 二、羧酸的物理性质 1、羧酸的沸点 沸点/℃羧酸相对分子量醇沸点/℃ 100.5甲酸46乙醇78.3 118乙酸60丙醇97.4 141丙酸74正丁醇117.3 chapter10chapter109 BoilingPoints Higherboilingpointsthansimilaralcohols, duetodimer(二聚体)formation. chapter10chapter1010 2、羧酸在水中的溶解度...
Explain why alcohols have higher boiling points as compared to their corresponding alkanes. Use appropriate chemical equations to explain this phenomenon. Briefly describe, why do elements in a given group have similar chemical properties? Give an atomic-level reason why ionic crystals a...
BoilingPoints Higherboilingpointsthansimilaralcohols, duetodimer(二聚体)formation. chapter1010 2、羧酸在水中的溶解度 C1~C4的羧酸易溶于水,着随R基羧的增大 , 羧酸在水中的溶解度急羧下降。 芳香酸在冷 水 中溶解度很 小 chapter1011 chapter1012 CO H H O 123pm 136pm 三、羧酸的羧和化性羧构学 p...
higheralcohols(fuseloil)to"modify"index,propanol, isobutanol,isoamylalcohol+"ordinary"isobutanol,isoamyl alcohol+"bynotmorethan80mg/Ltolessthan30mg/L.. 9.add"propanol"and"ester(ethylacetatemeter)index. 10.methanol,n-propylalcohol,isobutylalcoholandisoamyl alcoholbycapillarygaschromatographydetermination. ...
Aldehydes and ketones have higher boiling Aldehydes and ketones have higher boiling than alkenes, but lower boiling points than alcohols. than alkenes, but lower boiling points than alcohols. More polar than More polar than alkenes, but cannot alkenes, but cannot ...
1.Amongisomericalcohols,thestraight-chainisomerhasthehighestboilingpoint. 2.Ifcomparisonsaremadeofalcoholsofthesametype,thegreaterthebranchingofthechain,thelowertheboilingpoint. 3.Acomparisonoftheboilingpointsofisomericprimary,secondary,andtertiaryalcoholsshowsthatprimaryalcoholsboilhigherthansecondaryalcohols,which,in...
StationaryPhaseRetentionMechanisms Retentionmechanismsofnon-polarcolumnsareprimarilydispersive,meaningthattheyaregovernedbyVanderWaalsforces.Theseareintermolecularattractionsthatincreasewiththesizeofthecompound.Thus,larger compounds with higher boiling points have longer retention. Elution order generally follows the ...